Saturday Snapshot – January 18, 2020

It’s been a crazy week here.  I was hoping that this week would be a bit calmer, but no such luck.  I have come accept that life I will pretty much be running around like a chicken with its head cut off until Spring break.  Oh well…such is life when you are raising two active kids!

I just have a couple of pictures from this week.  As I said, it was busy, but not overly eventful.  Still, a few interesting things happened.

First of all, Oregon Snowmaggedon.  While there were parts of Oregon that received several inches of snow, below is what we got–and it lasted about 15 minutes.


This happened while the kiddos were in school and neither of them had the chance to play (or maybe just stand?) in it and, yes, the both feel very cheated!

The other notable thing that happened this week is that my girl got new glasses!  Both our eye doctor and I were trying to convince her to go for contacts (they will hopefully slow down the rate and which her near sightedness progresses), but she wasn’t quite read for them yet.  So, here she is in her old glasses and then her new ones.  I think it is quite the improvement!

I hope you all have a splendid week and, who knows?, I might have some more notable moments to share next week–or maybe just another batch of cat pictures.

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8 thoughts on “Saturday Snapshot – January 18, 2020

    1. Yeah, we are definitely weather wimps in the Pacific Northwest. However, I’m comfortable with being a weather wimp if I normally get temperate weather and, when we do get inclement weather, everything shuts down and we stay home.


  1. Our “Snowmaggedon” was about as exciting as yours. I’d be surprised if we got more than one inch of the white stuff… and I’m not complaining.
    I wore contact lenses for decades, and they did indeed slow down the progression of my nearsightedness. (Mine were rigid gas permeable.) Contact lenses are a bit of a hassle, however. The new glasses look great!
    Thanks again for hosting Saturday Snapshot. I hope your coming week is calmer.


    1. I also wore contacts (usually RGPs) for decades until I had lasik. Now, I have to wear glasses again…sigh! Oh well, my daughter says she’s going to get contacts next year. Hopefully she comes through with that!


  2. Lovely light snow. Too bad the kids missed it. The new glasses do fit her face better.
    I had horribly ugly (pointy cornered) glasses when I was a youngster. Back in those days, we weren’t offered contacts until we were in our teens. I started wearing glasses when I was 5 and got contacts at 15. I highly recommend the contacts when she is ready to manage to put them in and take them out. My daughter had trouble with that and never acclimated but my son wore contacts until he was lucky enough to get laser correction surgery through the Airforce.
    I wish I had time to enter Saturday Snapshot but maybe I will think about doing it again.
    Thanks for visiting me!


    1. I agree that trying to pick out the right glasses is HARD! I’m up for new ones in a few months. I could just get new lenses for my current glasses, but they are now out of warranty so I should get new ones. Maybe I can just get the same frame again?


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