Saturday Snapshot – April 6, 2019

Sometimes things just work out.  During this time of year, the long drag of late winter and the teasing of early spring, it is sometimes hard to come up with pictures for this post.  We are, for lack of a better term, hunkering down.  We are trying to survive the last dark weeks before the world comes back to life and, more importantly, the kids’ schedules start to pick up again.

However, a couple of weeks ago I was blessed (a word I can use now…at the time I might have said burdened) with two field trips in one week.  Why was this such a blessing?  Because I had to put together 2 Saturday Snapshot posts to go live while I was on vacation.

For those of you still using the academic calendar, last week was Spring Break.  And, as we have often done since having kids in school, we used that time to visit Arizona.  For those of us who live in the Pacific Northwest, which is so often socked in with gray and rain, Arizona in late March is just what the doctor ordered.

So, yes, I have vacation pictures…a lot of them…far too many to include in one post. As a result, buckle up for more than a few weeks of vacation photos.  Some of these will seem familiar–there are things we do every time we go to Arizona–and there will be some from new adventures.  I hope that, by the time I finish sharing all of these, we’ll have some sun up here in our neck of the woods to beckon us out for new adventures.

Now, let’s get this party started!  One place we always make a point to visit in the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum.  The title of “museum” is misleading–this is much more like a specialized zoo.  It has everything from Gila Monsters to Cougars, Rattlesnakes to Javalinas.  If I had to direct someone to the ONE thing to do in Tucson, this would be it.

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